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向 Zen Cart 贡献者致谢

Thanks to Zen Cart!


向 Zen Cart 贡献者致谢!

Zen Cart® truly is the art of e-commerce; free, user-friendly, open source shopping cart software. The ecommerce web site design program is being developed by a group of like-minded shop owners, programmers, designers, and consultants that think ecommerce web design could be and should be done differently.

Some shopping cart solutions seem to be complicated programming exercises instead of responding to users' needs, Zen Cart® puts the merchants and shoppers requirements first. Similarly, other shopping cart software programs are nearly impossible to install and use without an IT degree, Zen Cart® can be installed and set-up by anyone with the most basic web site building and computer skills.

There are hundreds of shopping cart programs available, but none come close to offering the level of options, features and support available with Zen Cart®. Even the commercial programs have a hard time competing.


概述:Zen Cart 是免费的购物车软件----用于建立自己的网上商店,为网上销售商而设计。Zen Cart 是一个免费、界面友好、开放式源码的购物车软件。

优势:该软件由一些销售商、程序员、设计师和顾问们共同开发,目的就是用户能建立风格不同的电子商务系统。现有的一些解决方案过重于编程,而不是着眼于客户的需求。Zen Cart 把销售商和购物者的需求放在第一位。同时,那些程序如果没有专业人员,几乎不可能安装成功;而一个有基本计算机知识的人就会安装 Zen Cart。另外那些程序也非常昂贵,而 Zen Cart 是完全免费! 

方便快捷:通过 Zen Cart 浏览商品将会变得轻而易举。除了传统的目录清单,该程序还提供几个特色商品目录。商品加入购物车后,只要简单的三步就可以安全结帐。客户填写交货地址,选择交货方式(含多种交货方式,内置网上实时运费报价)。然后,从多种流行的付款方式中任选一种(例如 PayPal 和 Authorize-Net)。最后,客户复查订单、交付方式和付款选择,然后确认订单。您可以立即得到订单通知,客户也会收到电子邮件的订单确认。

Excerpted from: www.zen-cart.com


摘自: baike.baidu.com/view/1738122.htm

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